
quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008

A glimmer from afar (X)

I lay down by the river, The shadows moved across me, inch by inch. And all that I heard Was the war between the water and the bridge. Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me, Turn and drink of me. Or look away, look away, look away And never more think of me. Carry me, Carry me. I heard the many voices Speaking to me from the depths below. This ancient wound, This catacomb Beneath the whited snow. Come to me, come to me, come to me, Come and drink of me Or turn away, turn away, turn away And never more think of me. Carry me, Carry me away. Who will lay down their hammer? Who will put up their sword? And pause to see The mystery Of the Word...

Um dia ela disse-lhe "guarda o meu silêncio embrulhado em lágrimas dentro de ti". Ele não era capaz disso. O silêncio explodia-lhe em estilhaços de aço nos ouvidos, ensurdecedores no peito, e as lágrimas eram ardentes por cima da alma descarnada.
Um dia mais tarde ela disse "sementes insuspeitas germinaram no deserto".
Ele sentiu-se maravilhado; as bombas negras por explodir tinham sido envoltas por rebentos de flores lilás.
Uma mão inexperiente de jardineiro a querer desfolhar as bombas, uma mão de artilheiro alucinado que queria ser jardineiro e desactivar bombas ao mesmo tempo, criaram mais uma cratera de palavras na areia onde cresciam flores.
O silêncio seguiu-se.
Guardaria o seu silêncio embrulhado em lágrimas desta vez, juntar-lhe-ia as sua próprias lágrimas, e regaria a alma e as suas palavras. O tempo que fosse preciso.

Through the woods, and frosted moors, Past the snow-caked hedgerows I Bed down upon the drifting snow, Sleep beneath the melting sky. I whisper all your names, I know not where you are. But somewhere, somewhere, somewhere here Upon this wild abandoned star...And I'm full of love, And I'm full of wonder, And I'm full of love, And I'm falling under Your spell. I have no abiding memory, No awakening, no flaming dart, No word of consolation, No arrow through my heart. Only a feeble notion, A glimmer from afar That I cling to with my fingers As we go spinning wildly through the stars. And I'm full of love, And I'm full of wonder, And I'm full of love, And I'm falling under Your spell. The wind lifts me to my senses, I rise up with the dew, The snow turns to streams of light, The purple heather grows anew. I call you by your name, I know not where you are. But somehow, somewhere, sometime soon Upon this wild abandoned star. And I'm full of love, And I'm full of wonder. And I'm full of love, And I'm falling under Your spell.